The terms and conditions of the EduHelpHub takes care of the interest of our customers and other stakeholders. It allows us to conduct our business in a financially sustainable manner, while constantly improving our service quality. It is expected that our customers are well aware of the terms and conditions of the company before they make any transactions, so as to avoid any future confusion or conflict of interest.

As you place an order, you are required to pay the full amount of that particular order through your credit card, debit card or your PayPal account. The order is considered to be placed for a chosen service, only when the payment has been made in full. Please note that all payment, irrespective of the mode of payment, will be cleared through the secured PayPal gateway. However, you are not required to have a PayPal account to make a transaction, as it can be made by your credit or debit card. Since, every transaction is processed through PayPal gateway, therefore it is absolutely necessary to make sure that PayPal is fully operational in your country.

EduHelpHub offers occasional discount codes to its customers for additional price discounts on orders. Please note that these discounted offers are subject to availability and can be changed or discontinued without prior notice. Any such changes are under the sole discretion of the company and it is not answerable for it.

Fair Use of Service

As a part of our service, we offer solved assignments in the form of essays, reports, thesis paper, etc. to our customers. As we hand you over the final file, we provide you the sole ownership of the content along with its copyright. As a customer, you are allowed to do whatever you please with the file and use its content in whichever way that you see fit.Having said that, EduHelpHub is not liable, or to be held responsible for unethical use of the content by the customer. It is assumed that the customer understands the consequences of any misuse of the said content and take full responsibility for the same.

Source Material Usage Policy

Our expert writers use the most authentic sources to prepare good quality papers for our customers. Kindly note that every data that is used in the papers, are gathered from publicly available sources. However, in certain cases, some orders may require access to specific data which are not publicly available. In such cases, the customer will be asked to provide such data, and till the time we receive them the order will be kept on hold.

Also note that, our expert writers will follow the instructions sent by the customer. The company is liable for any mistakes arising from sending incorrect instruction files by the customer. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the customer to send the appropriate instruction files while placing the order.